Without the generosity of our sponsors, Brush-a-mania would not be possible. Thank you for your support.

We are proud to announce that April 2025 will be proclaimed Oral Health Month! It is the perfect opportunity to promote oral health and awareness among school children. This event is a great chance for you to raise your profile within your community and across Canada, and help celebrate over 20 years of oral hygiene outreach to elementary students.

For over two decades, Brush-a-mania has motivated over a million students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 across Canada to brush and floss their teeth. This has been made possible by the generous support of our sponsors, like you.

Good oral habits, when introduced to young children, will save them substantial costs throughout their lives for dental care, missed classes and missed work due to health problems related to neglected oral hygiene. As we enter our twenty-fifth year, our goal is to offer the Brush-a-mania program to 100,000 students in over 200 schools! Your support will help make this possible!

Please consider joining. We invite your company to join a list of other caring corporate citizens who are supportive of community issues like oral health care and our youth – these are tomorrow smiles!

Our 2024 Corporate Partners included:

Colgate  (Pearly White Teeth Sponsor)

DentistFind  (Teeth Sponsor)

Scarborough North Dental Group  (Teeth Sponsor)

Henry Schein Canada  (Molar Sponsor)

Toronto East Rotary Club  (Bicuspid Sponsor)

Pizza Nova  (Wisdom Tooth Supporter)

Rotary Club of Newmarket  (Wisdom Tooth Supporter)

Rotary Club of Richmond Hill   (Wisdom Tooth Supporter)

Rotary Club of Agincourt  (Tooth Fairy Supporter)


In 2025 Brush-a-mania will continue to expand to reach even more children!

In 2025, Brush-a-mania will help even more elementary students learn about oral health care. The program has grown to encompass not only Toronto and Ontario schools that are already involved; but also in cities across Canada! We will continue to partner with dental associations and governments across Canada and internationally to promote good oral and overall health.

How can you participate in this important program and reap rewards as well?

Learn more about our sponsorship opportunities!  

For more information, contact Jennifer Boyd at [email protected]


Thank you so much for promoting

good oral health.


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204 - 4040 Finch Ave E Toronto, M1S 4V5

(416) 752-1143